Teaching how to produce differently


The Pierre Le Roy de Boiseaumarié Agricultural and Viticultural High School is fully part of the EPA2 2021-2024 plan "Teaching to Produce Differently 2 for transitions and agroecology" which targets learners, staff and partners. Events throughout  the year, such as Sustainable Food Day allow us to address more sustainable modes of production and consumption.



This plan is linked to the European and international Sustainable Development Goals and aims to raise awareness on these subjetcs among the educational community. It is particularly targeted to eco-ambassadors, students who volunteer to set up actions around respect for the environment or sustainable food.





  • Ecoambassadors club (construction of nest boxes, educational materials, running of stands)
  • Implementation of OAB protocols to identify and count bio-indicator species, such as earthworms, butterflies or bees (https://www.observatoire-agricole-biodiversite.fr/presentation-oab)
  • Maintenance or development of areas dedicated to biodiversity on site : diversified hedge, agroecological educational garden
  • Creation of educational games on sustainable food, biodiversity or sustainable development
  • Transversal projects that combine various disciplines linked to food, agroecology, energy and digital transitions
See the article on  Sustainable Food Day (french)